Trading is constantly working on improving investment strategies. Currently, the Algorithmic trading strategy is available on the platform:
Algorithmic trading. Trading is carried out by a special trading robot, according to the specified algorithms. Trading is conducted simultaneously on dozens of cryptocurrency exchanges, the most profitable transactions are selected, the decisions are made in a split second.
The following strategies will be available soon:
Arbitrage trading. Arbitrage trading involves trading based on exchange rate differences. We simultaneously buy an asset on one exchange and sell the same asset on another. Your income is generated by the difference in exchange rates.
Professional trading. Traditional exchange trading involves transactions made by professional traders. Trading traders are world-class professionals who have already earned millions of dollars for their customers. Customers benefit from their long-term experience and deep knowledge of the market.
Cloud Mining. Mining is a basis of crypto business. Mining is a safe and profitable investment option. Trading's cloud mining is an efficient investment tool. By joining the Trading mining center through the cloud, you can earn your share of profits without spending on hardware and maintenance.
SLY token. SLY token is a unique project by Trading, which is a native token of our platform. Working on our platform can be made easy with this versatile tool.
You can buy and sell SLY tokens at any time. Investing in a token can lead to a boost in returns, commission discounts, and token appreciation.